Naturally Curious Me

My natural hair journey

Three Orange Men- My Henna Experience

Many years ago (10-15yrs), an orange soda company called Mirinda had the brilliant idea to add three orange men to my list of fears.
They were dressed in black and had orange faces and hands. Saw them on tv walking on the streets and being drawn to anything orange. I remember crying cos my mum made me wear an orange dress to a party. What if the orange men came to me?
MUCH later on (or so it seems in my head), we found out it was a publicity campaign by Mirinda. Whew!!! My young heart breathed a sigh of relief.

YouTube video of Three Orange Men commercial in Portuguese

On Friday, I had my 3rd Henna treatment. And this was a lot better than my other two attempts but with some not so great outcomes.
I used CurlyNikkis method described here.
I got a 300g bag from NaturalNigerian for N900.
I sifted half of it in the morning and added green tea. Then I covered with cling film and went to work.
I came home to this:

Henna and green tea paste. After 10 hours

I added conditioner and honey.

Conditioner and Honey mixed in

Detangled, washed and condition my hair and proceeded to apply the henna mix.
Things to note:
1. You MUST use gloves.

Comparing my palm to my sole. HUGE difference (Pls excuse the wires)

I became an honorary member of the Three Orange Men.

This was really good henna. The stain was unbelievable. In my previous henna attempts, I used my bare hands and nothing happened. Obviously, I wasn’t working with the real thing.

I washed my hands with liquid and bar soap, detergent, used a body scrub and lime juice. My hands were still orange. A week later, my nails are still orange.

2. Lay old newspaper on the floor cos the henna would drip and slide and fall anywhere it can

3. Sift the henna properly. I sifted mine with a regular flour sift and even that wasn’t enough. It still felt really grainy. Found a nice tutorial on sifting here

4. Wear a top you don’t mind getting stained. Preferably something dark colored.

5. Rinse out with conditioner only. Please don’t even consider shampoo. Dunk your hair in a tub of water to get majority of the henna out then rinse.

6. A MOISTURIZING deep conditioning treatment is extremely necessary after the henna. Henna can be very drying.

That’s basically it. I put on the henna, left it over night, took forever rinsing it out, deep conditioned and then braided on sections to air dry.

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